Digital Marketing that Takes your CBD Brand Higher

Step out of the shadows and get your CBD brand seen online

How does digital marketing for CBD differ from other types of marketing?

Digital marketing for CBD differs from other types of marketing due to the unique challenges and regulations specific to the industry.

GOAT will help you understand these challenges and regulations to achieve compliance.

Our always-updated team of experts will create strategies to help you adhere to the guidelines set by search engines, social media platforms, and online marketplaces.

We will prevent potential issues and account suspensions, ensuring ongoing compliance and performance.

80% of our CBD clients have been blacklisted before coming to GOAT

Digital opportunities for CBD

  • Overcome limiting restrictions on major digital platforms like Google, Facebook and Instagram

  • Establish your CBD brand's online presence with a tailored digital strategy.

  • Increase brand awareness, and attract more website traffic through SEO and PPC.

CBD Industry Clients

We are proud to feature some of the work we have done for other CBD clients in the past

Working holistically to drive quality traffic to the their website

Prismatic Plants

GOAT achieved success for Prismatic Plants using targeted Performance Max Campaigns.

The campaigns for "Pushing Melt" and "Mini Set" were particularly successful, resulting in a high number of conversions.

We also uncovered valuable insights about their target audience like the influence of gender, regional performance, and effective keywords.

As a result, we successfully positioned Prismatic Plants to continue growing and attracting more customers in the thriving CBD market.

Increase in CTR for search ads
Increase in average CTR

Providing CBD industry restrictions solutions

Mello Daily

Before coming to GOAT, Mello Daily was getting their Google and Meta ad accounts constantly banned. To solve this problem we created a clean version of their website.

We also made sure the data didn’t get mixed up when people clicked on the “Buy” button by creating a special code called cross-domain tracking.

We unified the buying experience by moving carts seamlessly between the site. Then unified analytics through cross-domain tracking.

As a result, Mello Daily was able to get around restrictions while continuing to offer a unified buying experience and continue to track it all for future optimizations.

GOAT is a digital agency specialized in CBD

We are founded on data, strategy and analytics. We help CBD companies grow online in a sustainable way.

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Discover your CBD company’s full potential

Ways we can help your CBD company make the most of digital marketing

Analytics & Strategy


Search Optimization

Web Design


Web Development

PPC & Ad Buying


Facebook & Instagram Ads



70% of online platforms heavily restrict the promotion of CBD products

What sets GOAT apart from other digital agencies specialized in CBD

We know that a high-converting website requires Trust, Education and Intrigue. These are core to our internal philosophies and how we build.

Trust that your brand is telling the truth. Education about how and when to use your products. Intrigue to create the mystique and story that inspires action.

GOAT blends these core concepts in digital with strong processes and trackable analytics.

This is the core reason that we continue to see repeatable, sustainable success for clients.

Our fundamentals are sound.

Start getting your CBD brand seen today

    A Digital Agency Specialized in CBD